With a global Pandemic on our hands, many people are working from home for the first time in their careers, or much more consistently than ever before.
We wanted to share a few tips to keep you sane during your WFH journey!
Waking up in the morning and starting our work from your couch (still in your fav PJ’s) is pretty incredible – but working remotely can be a little tricky to manage. Here are 5 tips if you are trying to work from home or on the go!
1. Designate a space
Yeah, your couch can be pretty tempting – but if you are going to be sitting for prolonged periods of time – having a desk (or at least a table and a chair) is essential to making sure you can get your work done. Designating a “work” space can be great for getting your mind in the right state. With a space designated for work, it can be easier to switch between work-time and free-time!
2. Set a time and stick to it
One of the major challenges from working remotely is sticking to your work at hand. *Oh I should just throw that laundry in while I work* or * Gosh the kitchen is a mess, I should clean that first* are just SOME of the thoughts that might pop-into your mind as you work. To combat this – set a time that you will work until, and treat that time as your top priority. This doesn’t have to be a large chunk of time – like 8 hours – but be sure to pick a time that works for you.
3. Plan for lunch and breaks
On the other end of the spectrum, working remotely sometimes makes us forget that we can’t be expected to work non-stop. Take breaks, stand up, and be sure to give yourself time to eat lunch. One thing I found different when I first began working remotely was the urge to eat while working – which was never something I had done in a traditional office environment. Because there are no defined lines of “work” and “rest” when you are working from home or on the go – it can be easy to blur these activities together.
4. Unplug.
This is a tricky one (especially if you’re working in Social Media or the digital space). However, it is important to treat your remote work like you would any other traditional work. Try not to answer personal calls or check up on your own social feeds - it can be tempting to switch between client work and personal work - fight it!
5. Enjoy
Yes – this sounds contradictory to everything else I just said – but working from home or remotely can be awesome because of the freedom it brings. Depending on your flexibility, you can work whatever hours best suit your schedule that day. You don’t need to put the time into physically preparing for work (which I have found saves a ton of time in the morning!). Also, if your job allows you to do this – it’s probably pretty cool.
Have you found anything helpful during your #WFH time? Share with us!